LEVS De Bocht48 Ossip Van Duivenbode min

Cruquius - De Bocht

A compact community

Cruquius - De Bocht, Amsterdam

The white terrace building De Bocht is a landmark in the middle of the new Cruquiuseiland district in Amsterdam East. The city comes together here: from nurse to CEO, singles and families, social tenants and buyers. Everyone can enjoy the qualities of Amsterdam and this place. De Bocht is an answer to the question of how we can live close to each other and still have liveable, equal neighbourhoods with contemporary buildings. Together with De Loods and 2Peer, it forms De Binnenbocht, a coherent trio along the water.

Close together but plenty of space

Our design for the stacked terrace building De Bocht brings all these lives together. Close together, and yet plenty of space. An ingenious layering of housing typologies. By the water, on staggered terraces, by an inner garden and overlooking the surrounding eastern islands and the future Sluisbuurt. Everyone benefits from the qualities of the building, such as spacious entrances, tranquillity, views, intimacy, light and a natural sense of belonging: we live here. On the street side, the plinth provides space for small businesses. Together, they make De Bocht a compact community for the contemporary city.

How to solve this?

De Bocht extends from 7 layers to a height accent of 15 layers. This complex stack accommodates 110 for sale and rental housing units for the social and free sector, 11 three-storey town houses on the harbour and the intimate in-between street, and 700 m2 of commercial space on the street side. The core of the building houses the three-storey car park, storerooms and a bicycle shed. On top of this is an inner garden, accessible to everyone.

What coming home should feel like

In De Bocht, we paid a lot of attention to light, spacious entrances and smart connections of the shared spaces for all residents, such as the inner garden, the harbour, the garage and the bicycle storage. The entrances in the tower and on the waterfront have high atriums with lots of glass. In the tower, an atrium connects four floors. From the light-flooded stairwell on the street side, you can look down into the indoor car park from two levels. In this way, residents see and meet each other in beautiful, relaxed places in and around the building.


From exodus to liveliness

De Bocht stands in the heart of the island, on the waterfront, next to a café, brewery, restaurant and future shops. Only ten years ago, this was an empty industrial port area. Now, a new residential area is being developed here. Yet the industrial and maritime character remains part of the place.

Scaffoldless building proven

De Bocht has been completely worked out in BIM. The plan was constructed from prefabricated elements, so that it could be built without scaffolding. All façade elements - about a thousand - are fully assembled in the factory. Half of them are sandwich elements, complete with concrete, brickwork, insulation, window frames, glass and facade grids. The special white-brown brick refers to the maritime and industrial character.


20,300 m² with 124 apartments (42 rental residences and 52 owner-occupied residences, 19 social rental dwellings, 11 town houses), 700 m² commercial space, indoor parking garage
Adriaan Mout, Jurriaan van Stigt, Marianne Loof, Christiaan Schuit, Surya Steijlen
Marco Rats, Tibor Kis, David Meijer, Ingeborg van Lent, Bart Beentjes
2015 – 2021
Public space design
VLUGP (binnentuin), Buro Lubbers (maaiveld)
Ossip van Duivenbode, LEVS architecten