
Ready for phase 2: ZuidHaven

04 April 2018

Levsnb zuidhaven5
1625 180328 bloknummers2
Levsnb zuidhaven6
1625 180228 houtrustkade 01
Levsnb zuidhaven1
Levsnb zuidhaven2
Levsnb zuidhaven4

The construction of ZuidDuin is moving steadily ahead. That means it’s time to start on phase two of project De Zuid in Scheveningen: ZuidHaven. This building connects the dunes’ peace and quiet with the harbor’s bustle of activity. The final designs are ready, and construction work will start at the end of 2018. LEVS acts as coordinating architect in a team of four. At ZuidHaven, we designed the long arm overlooking the harbour.

Client ZuidHaven: De Zuid C.V. (MRP Development en VORM Ontwikkeling)
Coordinating architect: LEVS architecten
Apartments harbor-side (A): LEVS architecten
Apartments dune-side (B): WE architecten
Residential homes court: Broos de Bruijn architecten, HOYT architecten
Landscape-design: Copijn
