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Sharing experiences during excursion

28 June 2018

Levsnb bouwexc 01 bensdorp
Levsnb bouwexc 02 bensdorp
Levsnb bouwexc 03 bensdorp
Levsnb bouwexc 15 zuidduin
Levsnb bouwexc 14 vechtlocatie
Levsnb bouwexc 05 bensdorp
Levsnb bouwexc 06 hogekwartier
Levsnb bouwexc 07 havenmeester
Levsnb bouwexc 08 havenmeester
Levsnb bouwexc 09 havenmeester
Levsnb bouwexc 10 havenmeester
Levsnb bouwexc 11 vechtlocatie
Levsnb bouwexc 12 vechtlocatie
Levsnb bouwexc 13 vechtlocatie
Levsnb bouwexc 16 zuidduin
Levsnb bouwexc 18 zuidduin
Levsnb bouwexc 19 zuidduin
Levsnb bouwexc 20

Learning from experience on the building site is crucial to creating a thriving office. That is why, once every year, we take a moment to share some of these experiences with the entire team. Only then can we continue to develop our knowledge-intensive practice, for all team members. Of our eighteen currently active building sites, this year we have visited five projects throughout the country and in different phases of construction: Bensdorp in Bussum, Hogekwartier in Amersfoort, Havenmeester in Zutphen, Vechtlocatie in Utrecht and ZuidDuin in Scheveningen.
